Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Iraq War Through US Soldiers' Eyes

Although I don't agree with the war, I wanted to do something to support the brave men and women of the United States who are fighting on behalf of our country. I heard about Adoptaplatoon on a local Atlanta radio station a few years ago.

www.adoptaplatoon.org is a wonderful non-profit organization where you can adopt a soldier to support and send care packages and/or letters. Check it out. You don't always hear back from your soldier for obvious reasons, but I have been surprised by the soldiers that have emailed and written back their heartfelt thanks for my support. There are many soldiers who don't even receive letters from their own families, so please reach out to them if you can. Make their day with mail call.

Here are some blogs by soldiers and families of soldiers - it's the best way to gain perspective on what is going on through their eyes.

Midnight in Iraq : US Marine in Iraq

Daily Life of A Marine Mom - Her son is in Iraq

American Soldier

Iraq War News

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